PicoCNC breakout board
This is a breakout board that, along with grblHAL and a Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller, creates a powerful CNC motion controller for devices like routers, mills, lasers and lathes. Using grblHAL, it forms the basis of a motion control system with advanced features.

Key features of the PicoCNC board.
Supports up to 4 Axes via Screw Terminal and Pin Header.
Spindle control.
PWM (5V).
Direction (5V).
12V PWM supported (via open collector output).
Limit Switches for each axis.
Supports switches or powered proximity sensors.
12V for better EMI immunity.
Separate power input for full isolation
Relay support
Directly drive up to 7 relay coils via open collector outputs.
Relay Coil voltage selectable between +5V or +12V.
Drive up to 11 SSR or Logic Level relays.
Isolated standard Grbl input controls: Cycle Start, Feed Hold, EStop and Safety Door. Opto-Isolated.
Opto-Isolated Probe input.
Supports both Pico and Pico W.
USB and WiFi (with Pico W) connection support.
Micro SD Card socket. Allows storage of GCode programs. GCode programs may be run from the SD Card.
Dust Collection support.
Dust Collection relay and TTL output ganged to Spindle.
Header for a switch to manually run Dust Collector.
Flexible power input. Two 12V sections, one for Stepper/Servo output, relays and spindle control, one for isolated limit, probe and control inputs. The two sections may be joined for the budget conscious builder. On board 5V generation.
LED indicators for 12V inputs, +5V and spindle active.
Open collector outputs allow adding pull-up resistors on the board.
Expansion headers for I2C, SPI and UART. UART 3.3V/5V translation supported.
Powered by open source software - grblHAL.