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Avid Pro4848 dust collection system with Thein Baffle dust separator.

Dust extraction system
Grizzly 1.5 HP wall mount dust collector. Plumbed with 4" PVC pipe and flexible hose. Shop made Thein Baffle dust separator and magnetic dust shoe.

Side view of gantry.
Note clearance of overhead garage door.

Close up of door clearance.
There is about 2 inches of clearance between the overhead garage door and the PVC pipe.

Collector and separator.
This shows the relationship of the dust collector to the dust separator. A very large percentage dust winds up in the trash can and prolongs filter life.

Adapting collector to separator.
Uses a 6" to 4" adaptor.

Separator assembly.
Collector pulls from the top and dust from the router comes in from the side.

Top Hat close up.
Cyclone action causes the dust to circle the outside of the top hat and slow down so the dust can drop through the slot into the garbage can.

Front view of dust shoe on spindle

Full dust shoe close up.
The brush part on the bottom is easy to pop off for tool changes.
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